Ritchie Cunningham
Author of Geography and Leadership books

email: geocado@outlook.com
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Geography Expert -
Ritchie Cunningham was born in Stirling and attended seven schools in Northern Ireland, Scotland and England, completing his schooling for the final two years at Lenzie Academy. Graduating from the University of Glasgow with Honours in Geography. He taught Geography, Economics and Geology in Cumbernauld and Paisley before working for the SEB (forerunner of the SQA) for two years. He was Adviser in Social Subjects in Highland for six years before being appointed Rector at Inverness High School in 1991. A post he held for 23 years. He was a principal examiner for Geography for ten years and has authored or co-authored over 30 publications including several textbooks and radio programmes. He was a Director of Inverness and Nairn Enterprise for six years and also a director of Inverness Project (local charity) and UHI Millennium Institute also director of REAL (Inverness High School) CIC and Real Inverness as well as on the Board of Inverness College. He has an interest in amateur drama, Rotary and golf. Married (Linda) with two children (Gregor and Glen ), living in Nairn.
A Bit About Me
From the start of my career, I have been involved in writing geography educational materials, articles and staff training materials. The first written during my first appointment in Cumbernauld High School between 1977-1980.
Provided in-service training on curriculum development assessment and innovation at a national level and also to several Local Authorities over the years.
Written/co-written over 30 publications including:
"Diagnostic Assessment - A teachers view" in Programmed Learning and Educational Technology; Journal of AETT
-Co-author of "Core Themes in Geography"- two books for Higher Grade Geography.
-Co-author of Core Topics in Geography - four copymaster sets for senior school geography
-Co-author of Credit Geography - a textbook for Standard Grade
-Co-author of People and Place - a textbook for 5-14 Geography
Also three Radiovision programmes for BBC Radio Scotland.
some selected earlier publications
1985 Glasgow - Urban Geography ISBN 0863750605
1985 Changing Industrial Landscapes in Central Scotland
1987 Leisure and Recreation ISBN 1850690529
1991 Core Themes in Geography - Physical ISBN 0050045563
1992 Core Themes in Geography - Human ISBN 0050045571
1994 Credit Geography ISBN 1872985556
1996 People and Place ISBN 1872985289
Headteacher Inverness High School 1991-2014
Adviser in Social Subjects (Highland Council) from 1986-1991
Field Development Officer SEB 1984-86
Principal Teacher of Geography/Modern Studies (John Neilson High School – Renfrewshire)1980-84
Teacher of Geography/Geology/Economics –Cumbernauld High School - 1977-1980
University of Glasgow
MA (Hons) in Regional and Systematic Geography
Jordanhill College of Education
Teaching Qualifications in Geography and Economics
University of Dundee
Qualification in Geology